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10 Asthma Prevention Tips that its patient should Follow

Asthma is a respiratory problem, in which patient has difficulty in breathing. It occurs because airways, through which air pass and reach lungs becomes narrow and filled with mucus. Due to which, very less air travels through respiratory tract and ultimately very less oxygen reach blood stream. Very first asthma prevention tips that asthma patient should follow, is to avoid area, where pollens are maximum in air. Like that there are 10 asthma prevention tips that its patient should follow. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of asthma-

Asthma can occur due to various reasons, for example-
  • Genetic factors- Sometimes patient has inherited genes of this problem from parents. Due to which, children of asthma patient are sure, to be going to be asthmatic for whole life.
  • Pollens
  • Dust
  • Humidity in air
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Cold weather
  • Certain insects or mites in house waste
  • Certain perfumes
  • Obesity
  • Allergy to certain foods
  • Smoke
  • Over exertion
  • Over anxiety or stress

10 Asthma Prevention Tips that its patient should Follow-

1) Avoid pollen rich, dusty, smoky, humid area and certain perfumes-

Asthma attack aggravates from inhaling pollen, dust, smoke and certain kind of perfumes. It is also triggered in humid and cold environment.
  • Therefore, asthma patient should avoid going to places, where these asthma triggers are present. 
  • But, if you can’t avoid these places, then do wear mask, before going to these area, to avoid asthma attack triggered by them. 
  • To reduce humidity in room, use humidity balancing device. To manage cold environment, warm up yourself with appropriate warm clothing.

2) Avoid doing over exertion-

Asthma attacks are triggered by over exertion. This occurs because over exertion requires more oxygen inhalation.
  • But, asthma patient’s airways are blocked by mucus and narrow, which does not allow inhalation of extra air to supply extra oxygen.

3) Avoid consuming food which cause asthma-

Their are certain foods, after consuming which asthma patient experience asthma attack. Avoid consuming them, to avoid asthma attack.

4) Do meditation to avoid over stress or over anxiety-

Asthma attack is triggered in certain people, due to over crying in over stress and over anxiety. Meditation reduces over stress and over anxiety to great extent.
  • Do it once a day, especially in morning, when air is free of smoke, to avoid asthma attack.

5) Avoid cigarette smoking-

Cigarette smoking reduces the amount of air that goes to your lungs through respiratory tract.
  • That causes difficulty in breathing and also predispose you to asthma attack. Therefore, stop smoking, to avoid asthma attack in future. 

6) Insect proof and pet proof your house-

Waste of certain insects like cockroaches, animal dander of pets like dog and cats are triggers that cause asthma. Therefore, insect proof your house with help of appropriate measures.
  • To avoid getting exposed to animal dander, avoid keeping animals like dog or cats in house. This will reduce number of asthma attacks in future. 

7) Get your respiratory tract infection treated-

Inflammation of respiratory tract caused due to inflammatory respiratory disease increases mucus secretion in airways.
  • That reduces the amount of air inhaled that reach the lungs. Therefore, do get your respiratory tract infections treated from your doctor. 

8) Take your medicines on time, as instructed by doctor-

Asthma medicines most of the time, asthma patient has to take whole life. Skipping them after you feel well, is like inviting asthma attack.

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  • Therefore, take them as instructed by your doctor. Skip them, if your doctor instructs you to do that, do not take risk of skipping asthma medicine yourself.

9) Do visit doctor on appointed date for regular asthma check-ups-

Asthma cases need regular monitoring, to avoid asthma attack in future. In regular health check ups, your doctor will do certain investigative tests to scan present condition of your respiratory tract.
  • On basis of that, he will do certain changes in your medicine you take, to avoid asthma attack in future. For that you need to visit your doctor regularly on date appointed by him for regular check up.

10) Decrease excess body weight-

Excess body weight also puts overload on lungs to inhale extra oxygen. But, asthma patient’s threshold to do that has decreased due to  overweight of body.
  • That causes difficulty in breathing, predisposing you to asthma attack. Therefore, reduce body weight, to avoid suffering from asthma attack in future. 

So, that was all regarding 10 asthma prevention tips that its patient should follow to avoid asthma attack in future. 

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