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10 Health Advice to follow to Lose Extra Body Weight

Overweight is very big problem becoming a epidemic these days. It is becoming epidemic because habits that make you gain weight, are becoming epidemic these days. Those habits are not doing exercise. Sitting is increased than jogging, due to less manual work in adults. In children, sitting has increased due to video games, instead of playing outdoor games. Now, everything comes home delivered. That has reduced, going outside and do some walking in market, to buy something. Therefore, walking has reduced, whether it is to buy something or play games or to do work. Doing jogging daily in morning is first health advice that you need to follow to lose weight. Like that there are around total 10 health advice that you need to follow lose weight. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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Being overweight is not a good thing. It predisposes you to various diseases, for example-
  • Arteriosclerosis 
  • High blood pressure 
  • High cholesterol levels 
  • Kidney stones
  • Fatty liver disease 
  • Decrease efficiency of body to do work 
  • Dyspnoea
  • Gallstones
  • Diabetes 
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10 Health Advice to follow to Lose Weight-

1) Drink water before consuming meal-

This health advice works by reducing the amount of meal you consume. Because if you drink water before meal, it creates false sensation of stomach being 1/3rd full.
  • Because of that you eat only 2/3rd of meal, instead of consuming full. That means you consume only 2/3rd of calories, instead of full. 
  • Extra calories consumed, leads to extra weight gain by storing unused calories as fat, causing weight gain. Less calories consumed, leads to less weight gain. 

2) Consume less fatty meal-

This health advice works by eliminating the extra calories that comes from extra fat in meal. Less fatty meal contain less fat, resulting in less calories in meal.
  • Consuming less calories, decrease the quantity of extra calories being stored as fat in body, leading to less weight gain.

3) Doing exercise, jogging or morning walk daily-

Doing any one of them, which ever suits you, decreases the amount of calories stored in body. That it do by using stored calories to do exercise, jogging or morning walk.
  • Exercise, jogging and morning walk use a lot of calories, which left only that much calories in body that you need. It eliminates extra calories by using them, leaving less calories in body. 
  • Less calories means no extra calories, means no extra fat stored in body. No extra fat stored in body means, no extra weight gain. That result in just normal weight, no extra.

4) Decrease amount of potatoes you consume in a meal-

Consuming extra potatoes means consuming extra calories. Extra calories, means extra fat stored that means extra weight gain. Therefore, to avoid extra weight gain, decrease amount of potatoes in a meal.

5) Eat juicy fruits, instead of fatty or fried snacks-

Juicy fruits nourish your body with vital vitamins and minerals. They does not cause any weight gain.
  • Whereas consuming extra fatty, fried snacks cause weight gain by increasing amount of extra fat stored in body. Therefore, replace your extra fatty, fried snacks with juicy fruits. 

6) Play outdoor games, instead of video games-

Playing outdoor games cause perspiration. Outdoor games are a kind of exercise, in which lot of extra fat stored in body get used.
  • That leaves less stored fat in body, means less extra weight gain, helping in weight reduction. Weight reduction returns your body weight, from extra level to normal level.

7) Do some market shopping, instead of always getting everything home delivered-

When you go to market, you atleast walk to shop, from which you want to buy. Whereas, in online shopping, you do no walking. You just sit in your house and get everything home delivered. No walking means, no calorie burning.
  • Whereas, after reaching market, through vehicle, you do a bit of walking to find your shop in market. Little bit walking in market means, little bit of calories burned in market shopping. 
  • Whereas, no walking in online shopping means no calorie burned. Follow that thing that burns calories, because only that will reduce weight, not home delivery.

8) Consume less sugary meal, snack or drinks-

Consumption of extra sugar also cause weight gain. Sugary foods and sugary drinks are loaded with extra fat. Both, extra fat and extra sugar cause weight gain.

9) Do not always be a A.C. person, use atleast fan for some hours in a day-

In A.C. perspiration from body happens less. Whereas in fan, at least some perspiration happens. In perspiration process at least some amount of fat get lost.
  • Whereas in no perspiration in A.C. no water, no electrolyte or no fat is lost. Nothing lost means, extra fat storage causing extra weight gain.

10) Use small plate and bowl for meal-

That reduces the amount of calories you consume, by reducing amount of meal consumed. Do include one bowl of curd, along with vegetables in meal in place of fatty food item.
  • Curd helps in digestion of meal and reduces amount of extra calories consumed, if you consume it in place of, fatty food item.

So, that was all regarding 10 Health advice that you need to follow to lose weight.

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