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10 Health Advice that Patient of Polycystic Ovarian Disease must Follow

Polycystic ovarian disease affects woman with hormonal disorder. In this disease, their weight increases sharply. Acne, menstrual irregularities and infertility are main problems, associated with this disease. If over weight of patient of this disease is reduced, then diabetes and hormonal disorder associated with this disease can be reduced to great extent. This is the one health advice. Like that there are around total 10 health advice that patient of Polycystic ovarian disease needs to follow. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

Benign Ovarian Cyst
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In polycystic ovarian disease, ovaries get enlarged than their normal size and fluid filled cysts form on ovaries. Sometimes, it affects only one ovary and sometimes both. Due to cysts formed in ovaries, ovulation does not occur. Due to which, menses does not occur.

How ovarian cyst is formed?
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Due to lack of ovulation, egg is not released, due to which infertility occurs. In this disease, a woman has female hormones less in proportion than male hormones. Due to excess of male hormones, male features like deep voice, excess facial and body hairs occur.

10 Health Advice that Patient of Polycystic ovarian disease must Follow-

1) Do exercise daily-

Doing exercise or morning walk for 3 hours, for polycystic ovarian disease patient disease is must. This will improve her blood circulation and also reduce her weight. Reduction in weight will reduce many symptoms of this disease, for example-
  • Diabetes- Exercise returns insulin levels in blood to normal, which were earlier imbalanced, causing diabetes. This it do by reducing excess body weight.
  • Return female hormone levels to normal- which were earlier low in proper as compared to male hormones. This it do by reducing excess body weight.

2) Consume less of carbohydrates-

Carbohydrates increases body weight and diabetes. Therefore, consume less of potatoes. They increase blood glucose levels and cause insulin imbalance causing diabetes.

3) Reduce excess body weight-

Excess body weight cause insulin imbalance,  causing diabetes. In excess body weight blood glucose levels are high. Whereas, in people with normal body weight, blood glucose level is within normal range.
  • As a result, insulin levels is in normal range. When insulin level is with in normal range, then there occurs no diabetes. 
  • Plus weight reduction also, cause reduction in excess male hormones in females, return to normal. 
  • Due to return of male hormones to normal level, female hormones, which were earlier not able to do their work because of excess male hormones, now starts working. 
  • As a result, return of menses occurs, when patient is reducing her excess bodybweight. 
  • How weight reduction returns hormone levels? 
  • This it do by returning homeostasis of body, which was imbalanced, due to excess body weight. 
  • Reduction in body weight, let each system of body functioning normal, which were earlier blocked due to homeostatic imbalance caused by over nutrition in excess body weight. 
  • Whereas consuming, right nutrition in normal required amount, let homeostasis of body remain balanced. 

4) Eat less fatty diet-

Eat less fatty and fried diet. Consume less of saturated fat. Consume omega-3 fatty acids rich oil, instead of saturated fat or trans fats.
  • This is necessary because trans fats and saturated fats consumption increase body weight in excess. 
  • Excess body weight as told above, does not let hormones levels of body return to normal.

5) Consume more of vegetables and fruits-

Hormone imbalance is also caused by lack of vital nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. You get plenty of them in vegetables and fruits.
  • Consume them and have your hormones levels, with in normal range. 
  • Their consumption also helps in reduction of body weight and nourish glands with minerals, which they need to function normally.

6) Do not skip breakfast or over eat in breakfast-

Skipping breakfast cause lack of nourishment in morning. That result in no nourishment to glands, to function properly.
  • Due to lack of nourishment, glands are not able to secrete right amount of hormones, causing hormonal imbalance. 
  • Whereas, consuming excess food in breakfast, over nourish the glands, causing secretion of glands out of range, causing hormonal imbalance. 
  • Therefore, both of them is harmful, whether you consume less in breakfast or over in breakfast. Both of them, cause hormonal imbalance. 
  • Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of Polycystic ovarian disease. Therefore, consume your breakfast in normal required amount. 
  • So, that hormones secreted in normal amount and their remain hormonal balance. 
  • That keeps hormonal imbalance like diseases for example, polycystic ovarian disease away from body.

7) Eat lean proteins in diet-

Do not consume fatty proteins like chicken. They cause weight gain. Instead, consume lean meat like white fish, which contain omega 3 fatty acids, good for body. It does not cause weight gain.
  • But, take care, do not consume it in summer and rainy season. 
  • In summer, it will cause piles and in rainy season it is not hygienic.

8) Regularly follow up your case with doctor on appointed date-

Polycystic ovarian disease is that hormonal disease, which also needs medicinal treatment, along with dietary and exercise changes.
  • Medicine also needs to be changed from time to time, depending on hormonal status of patient. 
  • Therefore, do follow up with your doctor on appointed date, so that he can do appropriate changes in your medicine, according to your hormonal status.

9) Get your hormone and weight level monitored on regular basis-

Hormone levels and weight level monitoring your doctor will need to make appropriate changes in your medicine dosage. Get them checked regularly, when your doctor instructs you to do so.

10) Take medicine prescribed by doctor, as instructed-

Do not skip your medicine or over take it. Take it in exact dosage as instructed by your doctor and on time mentioned by doctor.

So, that was all regarding 10 health advice that patient of Polycystic ovarian disease must follow.

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