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Osteomalacia is a disorder of mineralization of organic matrix of skeleton in adults when the epiphyseal growth plates have closed. Osteomalacia produces increased non-mineralized matrix in bones.


1.      Alteration in or disorders of vitamin D nutrition or metabolism or because of phosphate wasting.
2.      Deficiency of vitamin D in food or diet.
3.      Parenteral nutrition or diet.
4.      Malabsorption syndrome.
5.      Tropical sprue.
6.      Coeliac disease.
7.      Hepatobiliary diseases.
8.      Pancreatic insufficiency.
9.      Tumour associated osteomalacia.
10.  Nephrotic syndrome.
11.  Chronic renal failure.
12.  Acidosis.


1.      Pain in bones with muscular weakness.
2.      Antalgic gait is caused due to pain in the hip region.
3.      Proximal muscle weakness.
4.      Bone fracture with slight or mild injury.
5.      Reduced bone density.


1.      Serum calcium test.
2.      Serum phosphorus test.
3.      Serum alkaline phosphatase test.
4.      Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 test.
5.      X-ray of bone.

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