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4 UNCORRECTABLE FACTORS, which cannot be Corrected, to Prevent PREMATURE GREYING of Human HAIRS?

In previous article, few days ago on Health Blog we have discussed about, factors which needs correction to prevent greying of hairs, today we will discuss, "Factors which are uncorrectable, unchangeable, unmodifiable, which cannot be corrected to prevent greying of hairs prematurely." Yes, today, we will discuss factors which cannot be corrected to prevent greying off hairs prematurely.

So, what are these factors? To what things they are related, which make them so unchangeable. The various factors which cannot be corrected to prevent premature greying of hairs and what makes them so unchangeable, uncorrectable are-


1) Genes of persons-

genetics play very important role, person born with particular genes, either inherited from parents, that is, have family history of premature greying of hairs in their genes, which pass on from one generation to next or coding dysfunction occurred there in genes during person's foetus stage resulting in some mutation causing premature greying of hairs.
  • Why genetic causes are uncorrectable? 
  • Because no treatment has been developed in history and present yet in any branch of medicine for it. 
  • Various forms of treatment therapies available yet, has not been able to cure genetic causes yet.

2) Accidental excessive exposure to nuclear rays in past-

can cause not only permanent damage to hair roots along with hair structure causing hair fall, premature greying of present hairs but also causes unrepairable genetic changes by causing mutation in human body genes responsible for growth.
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3) Increasing age is another factor making growth process slower- 

after middle age cannot be stopped. It can be delayed but can not be stopped as it is natural process of human body.
  • Every tissue goes injurious wear and tear of daily. You crossed middle age, the repair process of your human body goes slower. Same phenomena applies to hair follicles.
  • With increasing age, hair natural color, growth face degradation of melanocytes of hair follicles which give colour to hairs.
  • As melanocytes decrease in number, hairs which grow, now have no more natural hair color resulting in hair greying.

4) Unrepairable autoimmune disorders-

also causes premature greying of hairs. And this cause is unrepairable because these disorders are most difficult to cure, in which there occurs dysfunction in immune system causing human body to destroy its own hair growth follicle cells.

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