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How SLEEPING LESS at Night, Causes Major Car ACCIDENTS?

You must have listened that sleeping less at night or having less hours for sleep or not having adequate sleep can harm your health, have adverse effects on your health. But, do you know that sleeping less at night can cause major accidents? 

Yes, it is true that sleeping less at night also causes major car accidents. It is also one of the major cause of car accidents among major road vehicle crashes. Question is, how does it happen?

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How sleeping less at night causes major car accidents? How sleeping less at night responsible for causing major car accidents or major road vehicle mishaps?

The answer to this is simple, when you do not sleep adequately at night, does not have full refreshing sleep, does not sleep adequately for at least 8 hours at night; you feel drowsy during day, during your working hours.
  • This drowsiness causes imperfect focus, due to drowsy eyes, patient is not able to focus front on road, causes 15 to 33 percent of major fatal car accidents and this fact is confirmed by researchers.

They have confirmed that those who sleep less than 6 hours during night-

feels drowsiness during driving and not able to focus eyes, face difficulty in keeping focus on road on front due to drowsiness constantly coming back, have hard time driving.
  • Sometimes, drowsiness is so much that individual driving vehicle falls asleep while driving, due to being not aware of another vehicle coming from front or back; there result a major road crash.


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