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Top 6 Modifiable Risk Factors of Heart Diseases

Heart diseases are caused by many factors, some are modifiable and some are non-modifiable risk factors. Today, in this article, we will discuss about, "What are modifiable risk factors of heart diseases?" In upcoming articles on Health Blog, in upcoming days, we will discuss about, "What are non-modifiable risk factors of heart diseases?"

Now, what does modifiable risk factors of heart diseases mean? Modifiable risk factors are those factors which can be changed, modified, which can be reversed, which are preventable and changing these risk factors, modifying them, reversing them, preventing them can alter the disease condition of patient to such an extent that disease can be prevented, modified and reduced to great extent from occurring in patient.

So, this was about, what is meaning of modifiable risk factors of heart diseases? What does they mean? Coming back to topic, "What are various modifiable risk factors of heart diseases?" What are these modifiable risk factors, which you can prevent, which you can control? Do you know, what are various modifiable risk factors, treating which, modifying which can prevent heart diseases to great extent?

The various modifiable risk factors of heart diseases, which can prevent heart diseases to such an extent, that they be prevented, controlled, treated and even reduced to huge extent from occurring in a patient are as follow-

1) First factor is one which you can easily stop. This factor acts as foundation step to beginning of various heart diseases, that is causes various heart diseases.These are excessively fatty, buttery and fried food or dishes containing too much fat increases your blood cholesterol level.
2) Obesity or overweight- weight gain, that is, increase in body weight, person becoming overweight, which  also makes a part of the foundation ground of heart diseases to flourish.

3) Due to change in lifestyle due to availability of various machines to reduce manual exertion which person at his work do; as well as do in his or her daily chores. Also, sitting more in front of entertainment gadgets  reduces outdoor activity . Also exercise schedule is so reduced to nil these days due to long work schedule which leave no time for exercise and even at work exertion, activity is reduced due causes no burn of fat, cholesterol, glucose, which has collected inside human body due to heavy buttery diet intake. As, no fat, no cholesterol and no blood glucose is burned, so, no weight is lost, so, no cholesterol is lost, no blood glucose is reduced which are major culprits for causing heart diseases.

4) Highly salty diet intake- increase sodium concentration inside human body, which disrupt healthy electrolyte balance of sodium ions inside human body. Imbalanced sodium goes to increased level, increases your blood pressure and causes hypertension; which if not controlled causes heart diseases.

5) Diabetes, high blood pressure- beginning of heart diseases, result in advanced stage in deadly heart diseases like ischaemic diseases, myocardial infarction, coronary disease.
6) Excessive alcohol drinking, highly sugary diet and smoking weaken human heart system and its arteries, disrupts healthy immune system, increases blood pressure, combinedly all of them at one place, if not controlled at time causes major heart diseases.

So, these are top 6 modifiable risk factors of heart diseases, modifying whom, preventing whom, avoiding whom, changing whom can prevent heart diseases to great extent.

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