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5 Things to Delete from Food List Post Forty

There are certain 5 things that you need to delete from food list post forty. Yes, you need to delete them, you need to move them out of your daily food menu, if you do not want to be victim of diseases resulting out of their usage post forty.

But, what are these 5 foods or things which need to delete from menu of daily food post forty?

These are-

1. No noodles at all. Yes, no more noodles, especially fried one. Deep fried and highly fat loaded noodles are big no post forty daily food menu.

2. Soft carbonated drinks, sweet drinks and caffeinated drinks and nicotine base tea a big no in post forty drink menu list. All of them are major tooth decayer.

3. High fat a big no in post forty diet list, deep fried not even think of adding them because both of them are major cardiac killer.

4. Animal protein food and alcohol are big no in food menu of daily post forty diet.

5. Excessively spicy, excessively salty and excessively sweet should not be your diet menu post forty. Post forty diet need to be moderately spicy, low on salt and low on sugar.

Next, update yourself on- Top 5 symptoms of food intolerance

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