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Even a Mild Depression is Very Harmful for Diabetics

Yes, it is true that even a mild, even slightest one of depression is very harmful for diabetics. It worsens their disease case. It cuts their chances of improvement. Who agonize from diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, need a protective mind armor environment; which can keep them away from worsening of diabetics to advanced stage, which is worsened stage of diabetes along with complications.

How this mild depression worsens disease stage which diabetics patients have before depression? Why after having mild depression episodes diabetes patient moves towards worsen stage of disease? Why after mild depression suffering, diabetes stage which diabetics patients have get worsened with complications?

In what way this occurs? The diabetic patient who agonize from mild depression quit some of health habits; which were assisting them in lowering diabetes sickness. Example of which is exercise which they do. Exercise schedule, morning walk schedule or meditation exercises which they usually do on doctor's advice to treat and lower diabetes, they stop doing them in depressive episodes, even in the mild depressive episodes.

Due to stoppage of exercise, dropping of blood glucose level, blood cholesterol level stop and they get increased to such ranks, that disease moves towards complex stage. Also, just like stoppage of exercise, they also stop taking their medicines on time, stop eating diabetes lowering diet. They feel need of mind and body comfort and usually do stoppage of balanced diet, stoppage of exercise, either stop or does not take medicines on time. Due to which their diabetes increase to such higher limits that diabetes get worsened with diabetes complications that too towards worse stage of diabetes complications.

Further update available on- Top 7 Functions of Spleen


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