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How Poor Sleep and Obesity are Connected?

Poor sleep always have been known for its health harms. Yes, it do affect everybody and everybody do have their individual reasons of poor sleep. But, do you know that it got some special preferences for obesity? Yes, some special kinds of harms which it do to obese people.

Obesity and short sleep, what link they got? What link, interlink both obesity and poor sleep got to each other? Why obese people need to make special monitoring of their sleep cycles regarding amount and quality? Why they need to correct both of them?

Obesity and poor sleep, both of them need corrective care. Both need to be treated, if you do not want anyone of them. Because, existence of one of them leads to development of other. Those who suffer from poor sleep not only suffer from mood alterations, mood disorders but also suffer from obesity, are more prone to getting obese.

Obese also suffer from disturbance of sleep because respiratory problems like sleep apnoea caused in them after developing obesity in them. This sleep apnoea woke them up during sleep due to which they always have disturbed sleep sessions and lack of quality sleep session.

So, conclusion is that, get your obesity treated, if you do not want to suffer from night sleep terrors of sleep apnoea. And, get your sleep disorders treated, if you do not want to become obese in future. Because both of them are linked to each other. Existence of one of them leads to development of other. So, get both of them treated, if you are having both.  

But, if you are having only one of the disorder out of both of them, then, it is a good sign, get it cured as soon a possible, so the risk of development of other can be completely halted and no base foundation remains for foundation of other.

So, sleep healthy and have human body weight within healthy perimeter.

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