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What makes Olive Oil so Qualitative?

Olive oil is very qualitative in its own self but what makes it so qualitative? There are certain things which make olive oil so quality full. What these things are? Which things make olive oil so qualitative?

The things which make olive oil so qualitative are-

1) It is the only oil which is not made out from, correctly saying not extracted from seed. If it is not extracted from seed, then from where does it come? It comes from fruit part of olives because most of its monounsaturated fat is found in fruit part, not seed part.

2) Second thing, which makes olive oil so quality full is its high poly-phenol content; which is one of the reason for its having so many health benefits. High antioxidants level, high vitamin A level, high vitamin E level and high monounsaturated level of this oil make its nutritional profile a balanced oil nutritional profile.

3) Next thing, which makes olive oil so special is, its human chronic as well acute diseases preventing properties. Yes, high antioxidant levels of this oil helps in preventing chronic life threatening diseases like diabetes, ischemic disease, degenerative diseases, and thrombotic diseases. It prevent different types of cancer and also heals and cures various acute wounds.


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