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From where can You have Enough Supply of Vitamin D?

To say, "Vitamin D" a important vitamin is not enough, it is also a very important nutritive element but, if not supplied to or not synthesized in enough amount in human body, then result in future in human deficiency disease. But, question is, from where can you have enough supply of this vitamin D? There are lot of options, which you can use to have enough supply of vitamin D.

The name of different options from whom you can have enough supply of vitamin D are-

1) Number one- If you love sea food, then you must have listened about cod liver oil, which is found in gut of fish. Along with supplying you with enough of vitamin D, it also supplies good dosage of vitamin E.

2) Number second source- is fish eggs called caviar, like cod liver oil are good richest source from where you can have enough vitamin D supply.

3) Fish- is number third source- from where you can have enough supply of vitamin called vitamin D. Fishes especially salmon, tuna and sardines are much better source.

4) Mushrooms, soybeans are number fourth vitamin D source- among vegetable kingdom. If you want vegetarian source, go for these above two options.

5) Natural source- Number fifth source- sunlight and having just half an hour sitting in sunlight in winter is enough.

6) Number sixth source- is eggs, butter, milk and cheese, which I think even lay man know because they are much popular as vitamin D supply source.

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