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Some Things Related to Hepatitis C that You must Know

Hepatitis C infection is not limited to one area, not endemic to one city, it has spread to various countries of India, through its various trending modes of spread; which its infecting virus follows. Statistic collecting research team of medical researchers has confirmed that now around people, who are infected with hepatitis C virus are, total 170 million.

Hepatitis C is not any minor infection, it requires special attention to prevent and control it because if this is not controlled and treated as soon as possible; then it can result in grave complications which nearly damages your live. Some of these complication are liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Six genotypes are known of hepatitis C virus, out of these six genotypes, some are more prevalent in some parts of world and some are more prevalent in other parts of world.

Till now, statically confirmed trending modes of spread of hepatitis C virus is most of the time is per-cutaneous exposure. Now, what this per-cutaneous exposure is? When skin or mucosa has been injured or torn by abrasive injuries or breached; which if gets exposed to hepatitis C virus, then it can result in hepatitis C infection disease in patient. This is reason, why special care is taken to avoid using shared contaminated needles, syringes, is to avoid per-cutaneous exposure to hepatitis C virus, which can also spread through receiving contaminated blood, contaminated haemo-dialysis or through sharing contaminated shaving kit.

Therefore, whenever possible avoid sharing contaminated needles, syringes, shaving kits. Also, avoid tattooing your skin because their instruments are if used on hepatitis C virus infected person; and if not sterilized, and if same non-sterilized instruments are used to tattoo so many person, then it can cause hepatitis C infection to so many persons. Prisoners are also more prone to hepatitis C virus infection due to most unhygienic and contaminated environment over there.

Further update on- What are causes, symptoms and treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis?

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