Yes, it is true that wearing helmets can save you from lot of
harms. But, it is also true that not wearing helmets during driving can cost
you lots of crucial harms to your health in road accidents.
What these harms are which you can have out of not wearing
helmets during road accidents? These harms one by one I will
told you here in this article-
1. Number one- is first of all a
very common harm, I think everybody knows, even layman knows; but you forget just
because of fashion worry and that is head injury.
- Why it is crucial to wear helmet on head? Why you need not to shield rest of your body? Why head is given so much importance by traffic police to protect by wearing helmets? This is because, head is given crucial importance, because if grievous head injury happens just because of not wearing helmet, then it can cause you death.
3. Neuron injury- Third harm- if
during road accidents vital body neurons of brain get damaged; which control
body movements, then it causes paralysis. So, do wear your helmets during
driving, so that if you fall, then neuron injury can be prevented and so is
4. Next, is- face protection-
Wearing helmets not only protects you from head injury, but also
save you, protect you from face injury. Your face too remain protected from injuries,
which you receive when you fall, so can save you from face-disfigurement.