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What Kind of Footwear one should wear during Exercise Sessions?

Today, we will discuss, Which footwear one should wear during exercise sessions?
Well, what kind of footwear one should wear during exercise sessions depends on what is your state of health and what kind of exercise you are doing. So, keeping in mind both points, the following kind of footwear one should wear during exercise session-

1. Footwear which is comfortable and durable- if you are doing simple exercise like walking, then wear any simple footwear like flip-flop, which is comfortable and do not get broken during walking exercise. That is, it need to be durable.

2. Second footwear, which is universal for every kind of exercise you do. And, that is that footwear which is airy, that is, it should allow good crossing of air. So, that foot sweat which collects on when foot perspire, gets evaporated simultaneously. Such footwear are flip flops and floaters. Because, if footwear is non-airy, then collected foot sweat in non-airy footwear will cause foot bad odor and also corns in foot and other foot sweat related diseases.

3. Third kind of footwear, in list are right size, mesh based based and air permissible sport shoes. These shoes are recommended to 2 kind of people-

a) If you do a lot of running or other kind of heavy spraining muscle exercises, then wear sport shoes, so that your foot get appropriate cushioning effect to save it from injuries during such heavy exercise sessions.

b) Second kind of people is disease sufferers. Yes disease sufferers for e.g., diabetes sufferers, uric acid sufferers, whose feet get swelled a lot and who are recommended heavy cardio exercises to decrease elevated disease level. So, to save foot from injuries during cardio exercise sessions, they must wear mesh based and good cushioning sports shoes.


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