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What is Correct Sitting Posture?

Prolonged sitting habit has become a part of human lifestyle today, as it has established its footing at home because of watching T.V. and using computer for long time sitting session has increased. Similarly, at office due to usage of computer and technological equipment reducing manual work  have increased sitting work more. So, sitting session has become prolonged at work.

So, it is now so engraved in our life style today both at office as well as at home. So, if you cannot change it suddenly, but atleast you can try to correct sitting posture to avoid harms of prolonged sitting as well as to safe oneself from harms of incorrect sitting posture. So, what is correct sitting posture?

What is correct way of sitting?
Correct way of sitting is as follow-

1. Never sit in one position all time, as it will stiffen your muscles more and also impairs valves of veins. Try to sit comfortably and when you feel discomfort, change position. It is called dynamic sitting.

2. Avoid sitting for prolonged time by breaking this prolonged sitting with intermittent breaks of 10 to 15 minutes. That is, include this small breaks in prolonged sitting time sessions whether you are watching TV at home or working at computer in office. In these small breaks, stand up and just roam around to loosen tighten muscles.

3. Exercise session, if done daily; automatically improve sitting posture by curing symptoms and incorrect posture caused by prolonged sitting.

4. Instead of coffee, tea, drink herbal juices of fruits or vegetables or herbal tea or herbal soups while sitting for prolonged hours to correct dysfunctioning caused by incorrect sitting posture in human body.

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