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Comparison of Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats

Comparison of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats is, "Topic of today's article." Today we will have comparative talk on both of them. Covering all the differences and similarities of both of them, in short, we will have comparative talk on both of them.

So, starting with comparison steps-

1) First, comparative point which both of them share is that both of them come under same category, this is the first similarity they share. They both come under one category as both of them are two different subtypes of one category called unsaturated fats.

2) So, this was the first similarity they share, but what is the first difference which both of them have from each other and that is, one type of them have only one carbon double bond and another have more than one double carbon bond. But, here have you noted one thing that no doubt both types have different number of carbon double bonds, but one thing is common between both of them.

3) And, that common thing is that both types have double carbon bond. So, this is their second similarity. In second point of article, the type with more than one double carbon bond is polyunsaturated fat variety and type with only one double carbon bond is mono-unsaturated fat variety.

4) Next, third similarity which both of them share is both are good for health. Fourth similarity which they share is both of them are obesity reducer fat. Yes, both of them are obesity reducer fat, and not like saturated fats or trans fats which are obesity producer.

5) Both of them are cardiac diseases preventer is their fifth similarity.  

6) Both of them are infection preventer and immunity booster is their sixth similarity. 


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