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Acute Suppurative Otitis Media

Acute suppurative otitis media is such a disease of ears, in which the ears of human body of individual got infected with disease causing micro-organism. But, does in this disease of ear, does the whole ear of human body of individual get affected? No, in it not the whole ear is affected. In it, disease causing micro-organisms just infect the middle ear portion of whole ear.

Which kind of micro-organisms cause this acute suppurative otitis media disease? Out of bacteria, virus, and fungi which causes acute suppurative otitis media? Out of bacteria, virus, fungi, it is virus which cause this disease. Does virus, directly infect middle ear? No, virus does not directly infect middle ear. Virus infection first occurs in upper respiratory tract, that is, virus first infect upper respiratory tract and from there virus spread to middle ear and infect it.

Is, it just one way of virus infection reaching to middle ear or there are some other routes of infection reaching to middle ear? Yes, there are some other routes, through which virus infection reach to middle ear. One of them is-

1.     Virus infection through blood- Yes, if virus has infected the blood with its infected material, then it can easily infect any part of human body including middle ear.

2.     Second way virus can infect middle ear is through Eustachian tube- through whose lumen or whose sub-epithelial peri-tubal lymphatics infection reaches to it.

3.     Third is tympanic membrane- which is performing as barrier to infection coming from external ear to middle ear, perforative injury of it removes that barrier and built-up a way for virus infection to reach from external ear to middle ear.

Next know- Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms.

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