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Foods which One should Eat in Monsoon

Foods which one should eat in monsoon is today's highlight topic. Yes, as weather changes; so do people's desire changes to eat different things. But, do not forget in this desire change arose out of weather change, to take care of health of yourself.

So, to support health of yourself, perfect food precautions needs to be taken care in food list. And, these precautions are that you need to eat certain foods in monsoon and need to avoid certain in monsoon.

Foods which you need to avoid in monsoon that will notified to you in Health Blog’s upcoming articles. Today, we will discuss only food list of foods; which one should eat in monsoon, which are-

1. Soups sessions in place of evening tea time sessions.

2. Vegetables stuffed breakfast made in little bit oil and stuffed in whole wheat grain paranthas.

3. Warm health drinks like herbal green tea in morning tea time sessions.

4. Warm milk with pulses based diet with whole grain based meal in lunch.

5. Above foods mentioned in today's food list need to be made with up most hygiene as unhygienic environment is special known to flourish everywhere in monsoon and affect food chain too.

6. Therefore, take care that the raw vegetables and any raw material especially powdered flour which you bring from market for cooking need to be spoilage proof. And, bring them in limited amount as raw food material get decayed very soon in bacteria full environment of monsoon.

Next know- What is Paralysis of Accommodation?

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