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Less Sleep leads to Depression

Depression is that thing from which everybody wants to remain away. But, remaining away from it is not too easy, but not impossible. It is difficult, but not impossible. 

There are ways to crack code of depression with right health measures acting as tool to diminish it:-
  • One such way is- sleep. Yes, sleep can help you decoding depression. It can diminish it to great extent and can heal you internally from mental as well as bodily damage done by depression. But, what if you are not sleeping enough?

  • You are sleeping, but not in enough that is to say in morning you feel, you do not have enough sleep, that is to say quality of sleep was not good to be qualified as enough sleep. And, second is duration of sleep, if you are not sleeping for enough hour, though the quality of sleep is good, then it is also said that person is not having enough sleep.
  • So, quantity of sleep as well as quality of sleep is important. But, when the sleep of person is lacking either of these qualities, then it is said that person is not having enough sleep; instead it is called person is having less sleep. 
But, what less sleep is to do with depression?
Less sleep does not clean depression elements out of mind as well as body. Instead, it allow these depressive rudiments stay inside mind and leads the person towards depressive state. Instead, of curing, less sleep leads person more towards depression and also aggravate this depression state. 

Whereas, good sleep removes depression as well as damage done by depression on mind as well as body.

Next know-  Aplastic Anaemia.

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