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Hypercholesterolemia Management with Right Dietary Tasks

Hypercholesterolemia is a human body disease condition which can be managed with diet. Yes, lipid imbalance, high cholesterol levels which occur in it, can be controlled in initial and middle stages of this diseased condition with right dietary measures.

The right dietary tasks which helps in reduction management of hypercholesterolemia and in preventing it too are-

1. Right protein intake in diet- No doubt, protein consumption reduces hypercholesterolemia; but it does it only then when protein is consumed from right food sources. Yes, because if you are consuming protein from high fat protein sources such as high fat red meat, high fat chicken, then it will harm, not help. So, consume protein from low fat containing protein sources such as legumes, low fat curd and low fat milk.

2. Consume fat from omega-3-fat and omega-6-fat sources and not from saturated fat sources. Omega fatty acids containing food sources I have described in previous articles, you can check for them there.

3. Instead of refined food sources of carbohydrates, eat unrefined fiber rich carbohydrate foods such as whole grain and vegetables.

4. Start motivating yourself to do hour an hour walk daily to lose excess body weight culprit causing hypercholesterolemia. Weight reduction automatically have complementary effect of hypercholesterolemia reduction.

5. Consume citrus fruit juices which are fiber rich and contains no cholesterol increasing fat content.

Next know-  Paroxysmal Supra-ventricular Tachycardia.

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