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Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute myocardial infarction is a cardiovascular disease in which there occurs myocardial necrosis due to presence of critical imbalance between coronary blood supply and myocardial demand.


There are many causes of acute myocardial infarction, the main and important ones are as follow-

1.      Formation of an occlusive thrombus at the site of rupture of an atheromateous plaque in a coronary artery.
2.      Hypercoagulable state.
3.      Cocaine excessive use.


1.      Chest pain is more severe in intensity and lasts for a longer duration than in angina pectoris.
2.      Difficulty in breathing with pallor of skin.
3.      Syncope, vomiting, fatigue.
4.      Chest pain may be absent in patients with history of heart failure in past and who are aged more than 75 years of age and are diabetic.
5.      Tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, raised JVP, 3rd heart sound, systolic murmur.

Laboratory Investigations-

1.      ECG test.
2.      Aspartate aminotransferase test.
3.      Lactate dehydrogenase test.
4.      Myoglobin level test.
5.      TLC, DLC tests.
6.      ESR test.
7.      C-reactive protein test.
8.      Chest x-ray.
9.      Radionuclide scanning.
10.  Echocardiography.

Do you know about- Angina Pectoris 

Dilated Cardiomyopathy 

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