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Haemolytic Anaemias

Haemolytic anemias are disorders in which there is increased rate of red cell destruction and the life span of red cells is also shortened than the normal life span of red cells.


1. Due to intra erythrocytic defects like membrane defects, haemoglobin defects, and enzymatic defects or acquired defects.

2. Inflammatory or neoplastic diseases.

3. Infections.

4. Side effects of drugs.

5. Autoimmune antibodies or autoimmune diseases.

6. Mechanical causes like microangiopathic haemolytic anemia.


1. Haemolysis.

2. Jaundice.

3. Anemia.

4. Cholelithiasis.

5. Fever, joint pains and abdominal pain.

6. Splenomegaly or splenic infarction.

7. Infections.


1. Urine test.

2. Hb test.

3. Liver function tests.

4. Reticulocyte count test.

5. Peripheral blood smear test.

6. Bone marrow test.

7. Head x-ray.

8. Haemoglobin electrophoresis.


1. Treat the cause of the disease.

2. Blood transfusions.

3. Treat infections with antibiotics.

4. Treat cholelithasis with appropriate medicines.

5. Splenectomy.

Do you know about-
Aplastic Anaemia



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